A BIG THANK YOU to my brother-in-law, Reese, for taking me to the Coldplay concert last night (his date wasn't able to make it because her flight was delayed from Florida due to the hurricane). We sat in the fourth row, just off center. It was AMAZING. Too good for words. More later because I'm already late for work, but here are two of my favorite photos I was able to snap.

i can't believe you got such great seats! i love it! & great pictures of my new love! i bet you are in a coldplay haze now. i smiled the whole time i read this post.
i'm mostly happy.
definitely jealous
nice! i could feel the jealousy emminating from johns blog... im going to have to say too bad sonny. way to go kristen. we were that close to sufjan, it was nice...
Jealous to a degree, but after spending five minutes at the middle school dance this afternoon, I remembered what concerts do to my head. Happy you enjoyed it!
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