Wednesday, September 28, 2005

the race is on

Last night John and I had the pleasure of sitting around a card table in the currently cavernous space that will soon be Habitat Shoe Store with five close friends (John & Christina, David & Hannah, and Stephanie) for a brainstorming session. We invited these specific friends because they each have an eye for design, intensely creative minds, and are just all around cool people. We talked about the layout of the store, the first place a customer's eye is going to fall when they enter the store, inspiration for window displays, how to create a fitting room without solid walls and many, many other things. It was interesting to hear what kinds of things are important to people. My favorite recommendation that I would have never thought of was that we needed to have a three-way mirror in the fitting room because "you know when you try on a pair of jeans, they can look good from this angle, but then you turn around and you realize they don't look good from that angle." That thought would have never crossed my mind; although I assure you the mirror will be IN the fitting room because I can't stand it when the only mirror is outside the fitting room and you have to model what you are trying on to everyone else in the fitting area. So, if you're shy about prancing around in your potential new digs in front of complete strangers then come to Habitat. We'll insure you have complete privacy...and a three-way mirror for all angles viewing.

So after the brainstorming session, John and I came home, looked at each other and realized that we have A LOT of work to do in one month. I sometimes have a hard time believing that a space that is completely empty right now (with the exception of some floor sealant cans and drop cloths) will be completely full of shoes, jeans, T-shirts, belts, handbags and more IN ONE MONTH. I'm sure our friends who were there tonight were thinking, "Oh, it's so sweet that John and Kristen are so excited about the store...but they are so naive to think they can open in one month." If I were them, I would've been thinking that; but if they did, none of them showed it or voiced it. For that, I'm thankful. I'm thankful to all our friends because for the past year each one of them has been so supportive of us -- including the times when we questioned whether Habitat was ever going to happen. They have encouraged us at every turn. When we do open the doors of Habitat, it will be because of the support of our friends (and our family too, of course). So, if any of our friends are reading this, thank you.


hannah said...

oh kristen it was so much fun! so many great ideas, and i know the first time i walk in it will look awesome! here is a little conversation i had last night at ps with a customer:

me: thats a great bag...blah blah. did you make it?
c: no a friend, she is trying to start a business.
me: yeah i have some friends that are opening a store at 18th and baltimore, i might sell some stuff there.
c: oh yeah, habitat, right? i heard they are going to have some awesome shoes, i am so excited, cant wait!
me: me too!!

how awesome, the buzz is on the street!

Anonymous said...

the buzz is out here in WDC too! we might be interested in purchasing a franchise...

Anonymous said...

we are so excited for you! the next month will be crazy but at leat you are "going for it". we are proud of you!

Anonymous said...

as a fellow dreamer, i've loved seeing how you have pursued this and are now so close to realization. i'm so glad for you and so glad for me, that you'll be open before i leave so i can experience the fabulous first night in person! :) i know you will get things done - and call me if you need any help!!

chief gordon said...

most importantly, don't forget to have fun. tackle the next four weeks with a light heart and hard work. it's the only way to stay sane and remember why you began in the first place.