Originally uploaded by kmmcclain.
Last Wednesday morning, John and I were both in the kitchen at the same time fixing breakfast (unusual for us on a weekday). As my gaze drifted out the window, I hear him say, "Who put the fake bird on our deck?" A moment later we both see the fake bird turn its head. I rushed to get the camera so I could get a photo of this seeming rarity, but unfortunately the photo is a touch hazy (I took it through the window because I was afraid if I went outside, the bird would fly away).
Two days later I heard John recounting the story to a friend and found out he named the bird Mordecai.
"You named a bird you're never going to see again?"
"Actually, I've already seen him three more times. This is his territory."
If John's gone for any amount of time now, I can usually find him in the backyard with his neck craned, searching the trees for his new feathered friend. He's infatuated with that bird.